Britannica Academic Encyclopedias
Encyclopedia content plus multimedia, timelines, world data analyst, country comparison, and the Britannica blog.
Encyclopedia content plus multimedia, timelines, world data analyst, country comparison, and the Britannica blog.
Full text of popular magazine and scholarly journal articles covering all subject areas including multimedia, primary source documents, and reference books.
Subjects include art and music, literature, language arts, geography, history, social studies, world cultures and languages, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health, sports, and more.
Includes Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, MasterFILE Premier, Consumer Health Complete, Health Source - Consumer Edition, and Science Reference Center databases. (EBSCO)
Offers the largest collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, it also includes an extensive collection of photos, maps and flags. (EBSCO)
Popular magazines, biographies and historical essays, primary source documents, and reference books for middle school students. Included in Explora Kids and Explora Teens databases. (EBSCO)
Popular elementary school magazines as well as encyclopedias and dictionaries written for kids, plus an image collection of photos, maps, and flags. Included in Explora Kids database. (EBSCO)
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