
Magazines, journals, and articles available online or at the library.


Digital Magazines

Read full digital copies of magazines on your computer, tablet or mobile device!

Download the Libby app to browse the collection, choose magazines, and read on your device.

Choose from many popular titles. You can check out as many magazines as you like.

Magazines do not count toward your e-book/e-audiobook checkout limit.

Magazines and Journal Articles

Articles from thousands of magazines and journals are available online.

The full text of most articles is available to read, print, download or email.

If the full-text is not available online, citations will include information to help you or library staff find the articles in print.

For most magazine article databases, you will need a library card for access from outside of the library.

At the Library

Finding Magazines in the Catalog

Looking for a specific magazine title in the library catalog?

You can usually find recent magazines by searching for the magazine title followed by the year. For example:

Placing Holds

To place a hold on an individual issue of a magazine:

  1. Find the magazine you want in the catalog.
  2. Click the "Place hold" button.
  3. Sign in to your account and choose a pick-up location, if necessary.
  4. Select the issue you would like held.

Browse Magazine Titles

Current Titles (2025)

All Titles

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact library staff and we will be happy to help!

Magazine Room at the George Latimer Central Library

Hundreds of print titles, ranging from popular magazines to specialty trade journals, current and back issues are available at the George Latimer Central Library.

Contact library staff at or 651-266-7000 for questions about titles or coverage.

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