Elections & Voting

Elections & Voting

Information on registering to vote, upcoming elections, and polling places.

Local Election Information

Register to Vote

Voter registration information from the Minnesota Secretary of State.

In Minnesota, you can register at your polling place on Election Day. Read information from the Secretary of State's office on registering to vote on Election Day.

If you are homeless, you can register to vote using the location of where you sleep as your address. You may need to go to the polling place with someone who can confirm where you are living. Read full details on how people experiencing homelessness can register and vote.

Find Your Polling Place

Polling Place Finder
Find out where you vote. From the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State.

More Information

Elections & Voting - Minnesota Secretary of State
Register to vote, find voter registration forms or apply for an absentee ballot. Includes information on early voting and other ways to vote.

Elections & Issues Information

Vote Smart
Free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials.

League of Women Voters Minnesota
Information about voter registration, elections, and the legislature.

League of Women Voters of St. Paul
Local voting and election information for the city of St. Paul and Ramsey County.

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