The Maker Team announces the launch of our newest Maker Kits….Tarot!
Why Tarot?
The Wheel of Fortune- Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
It all began with a conversation.
June, 2018. New Orleans, Louisiana. ALA exhibit hall floor. Xenia & Kathleen were wandering the exhibits and stopped at Llewellyn, a Woodbury-based publisher of metaphysical books. As we chatted with Llewellyn’s sales rep, Katie Kane, we told her of our work on the Central Library Programming Committee, the Maker Team, the Innovation Lab, and the beautiful George Latimer Central Library.
The Empress- Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance
By the end of the conversation, Katie Kane had not only given us armfuls of books, but the promise of Tarot starter kits for use in library programming!
2 of Wands- Future planning, progress, decisions, discovery
A box full of eight kits (Tarot deck+ book+ supporting materials) plus numerous extra books arrived later in the summer. Staff examined the various decks and books and tried to determine the best way to use this gift.
Knight of Wands- Energy, passion, inspired action, adventure
Kathleen brought the kits to the attention of the Maker Team, and we decided that creating Maker Kits would allow us to use the decks in programming, while allowing the public access to them and honoring the intention of the gift.
The Chariot- Control, willpower, success, action, determination
To launch the kits we have planned a program series: Tarot and You, featuring local reader and educator Kate Greenway, and sponsored by the Maker Team and Central Programming Committee.
May 18- Demystifying the Tarot
Learn about the history of Tarot and how it is used today. In this session, you will get to play with the deck and discover how you can use it as a tool for introspection and creativity. Presented by Kate Greenway. Bring your own deck or use the library's!
May 31- Make a Tarot Intuition Journal (Lab After Dark)
Tarot cards are a great tool for focusing and unlocking your intuition. Keeping a journal as you practice with Tarot can help you gain awareness and trust in your hunches and ideas. Quick Tarot readings will be provided by presenter Kate Greenway to help you get started with your journal. Journals and craft supplies provided. Registration required.
June 8- Receptive Space, Receptive You
The rituals for preparing a Tarot reading space are simply techniques to help you get into a focused, receptive mind set. To make the most of your reading, we will practice simple spreads, learn about symbolism, and learn to ask good questions. Bring your own deck or use the library's!
6 of Pentacles- Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity
When I emailed Katie Kane to let her know of the launch of the Tarot Maker Kits and the program series, she immediately registered, and promised to promote it to the staff at Llewellyn. But more than that, she offered to send extra decks to the library to ensure that all participants would have a deck to use during the program! We are extremely grateful for Katie’s support, and the generosity of Llewellyn Publishing.
The Fool- Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
--Kathleen Conger, George Latimer Central Library
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