Mayor Carter Declares Digital Inclusion Week in the City of Saint Paul

Monday, October 4th, 2021, through Friday, October 8th, 2021

Mayor Melvin Carter has declared Monday, October 4th, 2021, through Friday, October 8th, 2021, as Digital Inclusion Week in the City of Saint Paul to raise awareness of solutions addressing home internet access, personal devices, and local technology training and support programs.


WHEREAS, increasing access to the internet supports educational outcomes and economic mobility in communities across our nation; and

WHEREAS, far too many continue to experience disparities related to accessing the devices, connections, and support needed to fully participate in the digital age; and

WHEREAS, the COVID public health and economic crisis has further revealed the critical need for home internet service, and the large number of American households who lack this vital access; and

WHEREAS, Digital Inclusion Week 2021 is sponsored by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance which includes more than 600 affiliated organizations, including Saint Paul Public Library, working together toward our common goal of ensuring all of us have to the tools we need to access the internet;

WHEREAS, Digital Inclusion Week 2021 aims to raise awareness of solutions addressing home internet access, personal devices, along with local technology training and support programs.

Now, Therefore, I, Melvin Carter, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby proclaim Monday, October 4th, 2021, through Friday, October 9th to be: Digital Inclusion Week in the City of Saint Paul.

See the Proclamation here.