Strategic Plan Timeline

January - March 2018

  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Interview questions identified
  • 53 Library Design Fellows trained to conduct empathy interviews

April 2018

  • 400 stakeholders and community members interviewed
  • More than 200 people attend two public listening sessions
  • Seven community pop-up meetings are held throughout Saint Paul
  • More than 1,600 Library users complete an online survey
  • Nearly 250 Library staff members interviewed at annual spring Staff Day

May-July 2018

  • Ideation Team meets for two, four-hour sessions to synthesize data
  • Community insights defined from data

August-September 2018

  • Feedback collected from Library staff members and stakeholders
  • New Library mission, vision, and values created

October 2018

  • New Library strategic direction and goals developed

December 2018 - January 2019

  • Present to Library Board
    Thank the community and launch plan