Talk & Share
Discuss the books. Dig into themes, characters, and your own personal story.
Suggest a Read Brave title with your book club or join a book club that is discussing the Read Brave titles.
Share your thoughts on the story, parts of your own personal story, or Read Brave experiences on social media using the hashtag #readbrave.
Discussion Questions

Having Brave Conversations
Spark conversation. Use our discussion guide in conversations with your friends, colleagues, neighbors, and family.
It's important to lay ground rules facilitate discussions when discussing sensitive topics. This will help manage conflict, help participants feel comfortable, and create deep conversations.
Tips for Reading and Discussing Brave Topics
These tips are adapted from Everyday Democracy. Everyday Democracy helps communities create public dialogue that leads to positive change.
- Everyone gets a fair hearing.
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- Share “air time” – take space if you’re usually quieter, and make space if you’re more talkative.
- If you are offended or uncomfortable, say so, and say why.
- It’s OK to disagree, but don’t personalize it; stick to the issue. No name-calling or stereotyping.
- Speak for yourself, not others.
- One person speaks at a time.
- Personal stories stay in the group, unless we all agree that we can share them.
- We share responsibility for making the conversation productive.
- Embrace discomfort and expect non-closure.
During the Discussion: Be an Active Facilitator
Being an active facilitator doesn’t mean taking over the conversation. Here are several strategies for helping the discussion along.
More Resources
Conversation Guide from National Day of Racial Healing, opens a new window
A Guide for Training Public Dialogue Facilitators from Everyday Democracy, opens a new window
Virtual Facilitation Best Practices Guide from GP Strategies, opens a new window
Guide to Respectful Conversations from Repair the World, opens a new window
Curriculum Guides

2021 Read Brave is presented by Saint Paul Public Library in collaboration with the City of Saint Paul, The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Irreducible Grace Foundation. Read Brave is sponsored by Minnesota Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund and the Saint Paul Saints.