Freedom to Read

We believe all people should see themselves reflected, supported, and celebrated at Saint Paul Public Library.

Saint Paul Public Library believes in intellectual freedom and stands for everyone’s right to freely read and access information. We are committed to providing uncensored access to information and ideas, even those that may be deemed unpopular, unorthodox, or objectionable. We believe all people should see themselves reflected, supported, and celebrated. We uphold the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read and Freedom to View and extend our resources and services to everyone equally.

What freedom to read means for Saint Paul Public Library users:

There's something for everyone

Saint Paul Public Library provides materials and resources that interest and inform everyone in our community. We do not exclude materials based the origin, background, or views expressed in their content.

Diverse perspectives are accessible

Our library has materials that show all aspects of current and historical issues. We do not remove materials from our shelves just because some people do not like them or agree with their content.

Censorship is not tolerated

We stand against censorship and work to ensure people can get the information they are seeking. We work with the community to protect free speech and freedom to explore ideas.

Everyone is welcome

Anyone can use the library no matter where they're from or their age, background, beliefs, or views. Everyone is allowed to use our spaces to meet and collaborate with others regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individuals or groups requesting their use.

Privacy is safeguarded

The Library considers reading, listening, and viewing to be individual, private matters. Full and confidential access to information is essential for patrons. Everybody, no matter where they're from or what they believe, has the right to keep their library use private.

How is book banning related to intellectual freedom?

Book banning is directly related to intellectual freedom because it involves the suppression or restriction of access to certain books or materials. Book banning threatens intellectual freedom and the right to seek, receive, and express information and ideas freely, without censorship, restriction, or interference.

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Collection Management Policy

Freedom to Read: Frequently Asked Questions

Celebrate Your Freedom to Read: Discover, Connect, and Learn Something New

Banned and Challenged Books: Adult

Listed are a selection of books for adults that have been banned and/or challenged for reasons that may surprise you.

Banned and Challenged Books: Teen

The following list of banned and/or challenged books for teens offers many a chance to explore complex themes and diverse perspectives.

Minnesota Authors Banned (or Challenged)!

Pick up and read a book by a Minnesota author who has had books banned or threatened with banning at some point.

Banned and Challenged Picture Books

This list is comprised of the most frequently challenged picture books, which you can find right here at SPPL.
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