Early Childhood Educators

Learn more about how the library supports early childhood educators.

Get Started

The library is here to help early childhood educators! We offer a number of supports specific to early childhood work

Explore all the free services for educators that the library offers on this page and visit the Debra Fish Early Childhood Resource Library for access to additional materials including curriculum and more.

You can also connect with your Children's Specialist, library staff dedicated to youth. They can suggest titles, gather materials, arrange class visits, and visit schools. You can find them at all library locations. To find the library nearest your school, please consult this map of library locations and public schools.

Programs for Young Children


Learn more about all the services the library offers for educators.

Educator Status Library Cards

Registering your card as an educator increases the number of books you can check out and the number of books you can place on hold. Connect with the Children's Specialist at your library to have your account set to educator status.

Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Resource Library, opens a new window

Supporting early childhood trainers, child care providers, and parents of young children, the Fish Library is part of Think Small and works with Saint Paul Public Library. Early childhood materials on positive guidance, play, developmentally appropriate practice, anti-bias education, nature, ethics, technology, family engagement, and more.

Library Cards for your Students

Register your students in your classroom for library cards.

Request Learning Materials

Let our librarians gather books and materials on specific topics for your students. Place a Learning Materials Request.

Schedule a Class Visit

If you're interested in inviting SPPL staff to visit your class for a storytime, or would like to bring your class to the library, please schedule a class visit.

Homework Resources, Assistance, and Tutoring

Support for learners of all ages, including adults taking course for professional development and continuing education.

Homework Centers offer help from tutors, connection to resources, a space to study, and are always free.

Brainfuse HelpNow provides online one-on-one homework assistance (with a library card) in English and Spanish, from 1 pm to 11 pm daily.

Book Lists

Lists specifically curated for early childhood settings, including titles that have been selected to align with the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) Accreditation Standards and emphasize inclusivity, diversity, and equity.

Trucks, Tractors and Other Big Vehicles

If you have a little one who loves big vehicles this list of stories is for you!

Picture Books About Anger

The picture books for young children focus on identifying and processing anger.

Picture Books about Worry, Anxiety, and Fear

These picture books for young children focus on identifying and coping with worry, anxiety, and fear.

Seasons for 0-8 years

Titles align with National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) Accreditation Standards & emphasize inclusivity, diversity, and equity

Library Materials for Early Childhood Educators

The library has a large variety of professional development materials available for checkout. Use the links below to visit the library's catalog and browse books, kits, and more to support your continued learning.

Anti-Bias Resources

Building Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs

This selective resource list recommends books for deepening your understanding of anti-bias education and its various components.

Wellness for Early Childhood Professionals

Wellness for Early Education Professionals

Books to support health and well-being for those working in the early childhood education field.

Online Library Resources

Online resources to support your growth and development inside and outside the classroom.

LinkedIn Learning Library

Easy-to-use video tutorials to help you learn business, technical and creative skills -- anytime, anywhere. Free with your library card.

Transparent Language Online

Learn 120+ languages (including English). Available for free with your library card!

Professional Resources

Organizations across the state and nationally have resources and supports for early childhood educators. Included here are links to many resources early childcare educators may find helpful.

Business and Employment Resources

Child Care Wayfinder is your one-stop navigation network for starting and growing child care programs in Minnesota. They offer personalized support and resources to help you succeed, whether you are looking to start a new child care program or grow an existing one.

If you’re looking to start, improve or expand your business, First Children's Finance has a range of programs and services specifically designed for child care entrepreneurs.

Empower to Educate supports those interested in a meaningful career in child care and early childhood education. You will receive personal support from a local Workforce Advisor who can help guide you on your path. The program also offers financial support, free training options, job placement support, and an opportunity to be mentored by an experienced early childhood educator.

Supporting the professional growth of early childhood educators and connecting families to quality child care. Supports include resources to start a child care program, starting a career in early education, professional development, and increasing quality in programs.

Professional Development Resources

80x3 is an early childhood education and care initiative launched to address and minimize the impacts of childhood trauma
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Equity and Anti-Bias Resources

A podcast for anyone who cares about raising children with understanding of cultural differences, race and implicit bias
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