Classroom Library Cards
Connect your students to the resources of the Saint Paul Public Library!
Library Go Cards
Students in Saint Paul Public Schools and partner private and charter schools have library cards automatically created with Library Go.
Classroom Cards for Schools Not Participating in Library Go
Pre-register your class for library cards.
You can apply for cards for your students at any SPPL library.
There is no minimum age for a library card.
Your school can provide the identification needed to make library cards for your students. Please provide a school-generated list with students’ full names, current addresses, birthdates, and phone numbers.
Please notify us of students who already have cards. We will make cards for all of your students who are in good standing. We will not be able to make new cards for students with excessive fees or bills on their cards.
Students will be responsible for any materials checked out on their cards. Please notify their families so they are aware of this new responsibility.
Have students who live outside of Saint Paul?
For your students who live outside of Saint Paul, please have them obtain library cards at their home library before your class visit.
They can then be entered into the Saint Paul Public Library system that day using your school-generated list with students’ full names, current addresses, birthdates, and phone numbers.
Contact the Children's Specialist at your library with questions and to get started!
Educator Cards
Don’t forget about YOUR educator library card!
Registering your card as an educator increases the number of books you can check out and the number of books you can place on hold. Connect with the Children's Specialist at your library to have your account set to educator status.