Submit Your Work for Consideration

Submit your book or creative work for consideration for the library collection.

For Authors and Creators

Please fill out this form if you would like us to consider adding your work to our collection.

Alternatively, you can submit items by mail by for review.

The inclusion and retention of materials in this collection is directed by the Saint Paul Public Library Collection Development Policy.

Due to the volume of requests, we are unable to respond directly to authors. If your title is added to the collection, it will generally appear in the library’s catalog within 90 days of the date you submitted it for consideration.

"*" indicates required fields

Are you a local Saint Paul author?
A Local Authors Collection has been established to connect library users with emerging Saint Paul writers.

Contact Information

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Submit Works by Mail by for Review

You can also submit your work to us for review by sending the item, along with the requested information above to:

Saint Paul Public Library Materials Management Center
attn: Collection Development
2109 Wilson Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55119

Any works submitted to the library will be treated as donations governed by the Gifts and Donations Policy.

No items can be held for or returned to individuals.

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