Saint Paul Public Library offers reading, learning fun for kids and teens all summer long

Saint Paul Public Library invites kids and teens to make the Library their destination for summer reading. Summer Spark, the Library's summer learning and reading program, encourages kids and teens to discover the joy of reading for fun all summer long.

“Summer is the perfect time for kids and teens to explore their interests through books and other activities at the library,” said Kelsey Johnson-Kaiser, Youth and Family Services Manager. “We know that reading throughout the summer can really help youth maintain their literacy skills and be ready to return to school in the fall.”

To get started, kids and teens can stop in at any library location to pick up their Summer Spark Reading and Activity Log and pick out a free book to keep. Readers can track their reading and discover fun learning activities along the way.

Teens can read books and enter to win prizes; the more books read, the more chances to win.

Library staff are happy to help find books for all interests and all ages and reading levels.

Johnson-Kaiser added, "we see lots of interest in graphic novels and manga from young people, but no matter your taste our shelves are stocked with great books all summer. If you don't know what to read next, our librarians love helping kids and teens find the right books!"

Most students in Saint Paul can check out books, e-books, audiobooks, and more with Library Go. Saint Paul Public Schools, and many charter schools, automatically enroll their students in Library Go, which is an easy-to-remember number based on students’ school ID. There are no fines and no financial risks to families who borrow items with Library Go.

Families are welcome to come in and enjoy library play spaces. Throughout the summer the library will offer hands-on fun with art, science, theater, STEM kits, and more.

Suggested book titles and a calendar of events and programs can be found at

Summer Spark is sponsored by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, Star Tribune, Kare11, and MELSA Summer at Your Library. Summer Spark is made possible by Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

For library hours and locations, visit or call 651-266-7000.