Digital Library for Teens

Homework help, encyclopedias, e-books, magazines, biographies, test preparation tools and more!

Featured Resources for Teens

Online Homework Help

Live online homework help from expert tutors, available every day, 1:00 -11:00 p.m., with other homework services available 24/7.

OverDrive/Libby for Teens

E-books and e-audiobooks for teens. Download the Libby app to read or listen.

Explora High

High school-appropriate magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles, including primary source documents, reference books, and multimedia.

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Books & Reading

OverDrive/Libby for Teens

E-books and e-audiobooks for teens. Download the Libby app to read or listen.

Ebooks Minnesota

Online ebook collection for all Minnesotans. The collection covers a wide variety of subjects for readers of all ages.

NoveList Plus

Search popular fiction and nonfiction titles to find new books to read. Find author read-alikes, book lists, discussion guides, and more.


Research Resources for Teens

Explora High

High school-appropriate magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles, including primary source documents, reference books, and multimedia.

Gale in Context: High School

Encyclopedia, magazine, and journal articles, plus primary sources, images, video, and more for middle and high school students.

Britannica School

Encyclopedia content for all grade levels plus multimedia, timelines, a world atlas, country comparison, and primary sources.

Points of View Reference Center

Essays, articles and news items presenting multiple sides of current or controversial issues.

Biography & History


Information, photos, and videos about the world's countries, the states of the U.S.A., and the provinces of Canada.

U.S. History (Gale in Context)

Reference works, millions of news articles, and 5,000+ primary source documents that range from slave journals to presidential papers.

World History (Gale in Context)

Primary sources, reliable reference, and multi-media content put world history–from the ancient world to today–into context for students.

Britannica Original Sources

A compilation of more than 420,000 primary source documents, complete books, and authentic images across a variety of subject areas.


Learning Resources for Teens

Learning Express Library

Online tutorials, practice tests, and e-books to help you prepare for tests and increase your school and career skills.

Khan Academy

Free educational resources in math, grammar, science, history, SAT, AP, and more.

Online test preparation for students preparing for their Minnesota driving tests.
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