Learn to Use Online Resources with these Free Video Tutorials

The Library gives you free access to an ever-growing array of digital resources, including e-books, digital magazines, and downloadable audiobooks. You can also use the Library's online services to research your family tree, learn about how to repair your car, learn a new language, and much, much more.

Keeping up with all of these can be a challenge! But now you can visit the Saint Paul Public Library Academy to learn all about our most popular online resources.

The Academy provides step-by-step video tutorials that cover the library's digital services. These videos are short and easy to follow, providing you with the details you need to get started. Each tutorial also includes the text of the tutorial, so you can read along with the video or read the text instead of watching the video. Each tutorial includes a "Go to" link that will take you to the resource you are learning about when you are ready to give it a try.

Videos cover many of the Library's most-used online resources. They also cover how to get started with popular websites like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, and Snapchat.

Visit the Saint Paul Public Library Academy today to learn more!